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Practice Areas



Tax Services for Businesses

  • Tax return preparation

  • Business personal property tax preparation

  • Income tax planning

  • State and local tax planning

  • Entity selection


Tax Services for Individuals

  • Income tax planning and tax return preparation

  • Estate and gift tax preparation

Audit, Review & Compilations


We provide audit, review & compilation services to a variety of clients.  Current clients include affordable housing, restaurant industry, manufacturing, and service clients.  Whether for internal purposes, a loan or other outside regulation we can provide you with the correct level of reporting that you need.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Services


  • We provide month end bank and general ledger account reconciliation.

  • Assistance in setting up your accounting system.

  • Quarterly and annual account review.



  • We offer regular full service payroll processing including employee paychecks and processing of monthly, quarterly and annual payroll taxes.

  • We prepare required payroll returns including federal 941's, state income tax returns, and state and federal unemployment returns

  • We can process W-2, 1099's and other annual payroll returns.

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